Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Continuing on the floors

Yesterday and today we continued polyurethaning [is that a word?] the floors. It takes about an hour and a half to do the whole house and we got super stoned off the awful polyurethane fumes, which was not actually as fun as it may sound. So the first coat looked something like this:

And Andrew got to wade in polyurethane again.

And the second coat looks even better...
After having dinner at Los Compadres with Joe, Amanda, Corey and Kate and their kids, Oliver and Polly, the gang came by to check out the floors before we started the third coat while Oliver slept in the car. It was great to have friends over to see our progress!

Then we began the third coat. We're hoping to get a fourth coat on tomorrow before we leave for Virginia to spend Thanksgiving with Andrew's sister, Carrie and her boyfriend Mike. Yay! A mini vacation will be great. We get to relax for a few days and the floors get to completely cure!

So Happy Thanksgiving to all. Enjoy spending time with your families!

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