Saturday, December 23, 2006

Burning Down the House!

We drove to Little Rock Thursday to see Andrew's father and step-mother for the holidays. His sister Carrie flew in and we drove into the city just in time to pick her up from the airport. We had a great time. Andrew and his dad, Ed, hung out while with ladies did a little shopping. Catherine took us to some neat little shops in her neighborhood.
So we did Christmas with them this morning and then drove back home. We did a little unpacking and then cracked open a bottle of champagne to celebrate an early Christmas present! We got a chiminea.

Not only is it fun, but it also helps us solve a bit of a problem we've been having: What do we do with all this plaster and lathe that is on the living room floor? We'll figure the plaster problem out later, but we've solved half the problem (good thinking Andrew!) . We burn the lathe!

Lathe burns great! It's pretty quick to burn, but it burns nice and hot- so we were warm for about six hours.

My brother Aaron stopped by to have a beer and check it out and then later my other brother, Joe and my sister-in-law Amanda came over. We all sat around and burned all walls. It was great!
We burned about half a wall. Only three and a half walls left!

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