Monday, December 25, 2006


We spent Christmas eve and Christmas day at my Mom's house. Christmas Eve was filled with food, games, and a few early Christmas presents! This year we all drew names and because we could wait no longer to exchange our gifts, we opened those first. I got an awesome pink tool box with a pink drill from my brother-in-law, Paul! Andrew got a circular saw from my brother, Aaron! Mom was so excited about her new apron and matching chef's hat she got from Joe and Amanda, she wore it for most of the night! She does look pretty cute in it.

We also all got some quality time in with Bridget and Paul's new baby girl, Madison. She's very sweet! Look at that grin!

Really it was just nice to hang out with everyone for hours upon hours talking and playing games, it seems like it's been a while since we've done this.
Joe and Amanda introduced us to the games Apples to Apples, and now we're all hooked!

Christmas day was more of the same: food, presents, and games. And of course, playing with Madison.

Mom had us all vote on the person with the most Christmas spirit this year. The winner was going to get a surprise gift. Well, her ploy to get rid of the gingerbread house backfired. She was elected the one with the most Christmas spirit and won the gingerbread house! So, she fed it to the birds.

It was a wonderful Christmas!

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