Thursday, March 15, 2007

Tryin' Real Hard

We're trying to jump back into working on the house. It helps that I've since woken up from my first trimester sleepiness, but hurts that it's the end of Andrew's semester and he has lots of grading and studying to do.
The living room is almost ready to get its new walls! Just a few "minor" wiring things to do and some plaster clean-up, then we'll be ready for insulation and drywall!!! So we're making plans to order the drywall because we hope all these "little" things will all go quickly. We're both getting a little nervous and ready to be done with the living room because we've got to get to work on the room that will become the baby's room.

So the bottom line here is that hopefully in the next few months there will lots of progress and thus a more regular amount of posting.

Oh, as requested, here are those way overdue pictures of the kitchen floor (and Cooper trying to be helpful)!