Sunday, December 03, 2006

New dishwasher!

The dishwasher works just fine, but it takes about 3 hours and 80 gallons of hot water for a load so we decided it would be more economical to go ahead and buy the pretty new one we'd been eyeing at Appliance Liquidators. Plus it's our birthday week (Andrew and I celebrate a whole week because our birthdays are a few days apart) and Andrew thought a new dishwasher would be a fun birthday present from each other. I thought this was a great I idea.

So first Andrew took out the old one.

Which proved to be fairly simple. Then we were off to Mississippi to get the new one.
Installing a dishwasher wasn't too bad. The major frustration was tracking down this tiny little part that you have to purchase: an elbow joint. It costs less than $2.00 and is about an inch and a half in size. It connects the water line to the dishwasher, so it is very popular! It took 1 Lowe's and 2 Home Depots before we found one! They all really should keep more of these little suckers in stock! But after we got that little guy things went smooth.

And now we have...

It looks great with the floor, doesn't it!!! Still scrapping away at that one.

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