Thursday, December 27, 2007


Because this was P's first Christmas, we decided to get a tree we could plant once the indoor enjoyment was done. We found nice little leyland cypress at our neighborhood Home Depot for 50% off! Yay! Then we read the card and discovered that the sucker really should stay indoors no longer than eight days. So... on the porch it stayed for a few days. Further reading of the card informed us that we should use small ornaments and not so many lights. So our tree is a little bare this year but, pretty. Andrew has picked a spot in the front to plant it this weekend so that in 30 years, our son can drive by the house his parents no longer own and still see his first Christmas tree. Sweet.

In other Christmas related news, Porter saw Santa. Yes I paid $23 for my three month old son to sit on a red and white wearing stranger's lap. Do we have the money to spend on such a frivolous thing, of course we don't. Will I be so happy five, ten, even twenty years from now that I spent the money, hell yes! Our baby boy was adorable. If I had a scanner I'd prove it to you, but I don't so you'll just have to believe.
Amazingly, he didn't cry. He stared then laughed, then stared some more and smiled again. Of course, the picture was taken right after the laugh so he's pretty serious, but it's great. Cheesy and ridiculous, but great.

We celebrated Chirstmas with my niece Alice on Sunday at my mom's. She's in the red dress. Madison lost most of her clothes at some point during the day.

Madi really likes her cousin's! And hugs.

P got some needed floor play time.

We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at my mom's as well.
Christmas Eve was mostly about spending time together, cooking, baking, and eating sugar and salt a plenty. No real food mind you, just lots of junk.

Porter got lots of hugs, especially from Madi.
The hat lasted for the two seconds it took to take this picture.
Christmas day was about spending time together, eating (real food included), and of course, presents. We all did good. The men planned the food this year: surf and turf with twice baked potatoes. They did well. Everything was great. Madi hugged P some more.
We've had a great Christmas so far. Porter did really well. He was never cranky or crazy even though we kept him out all day and most of the evening for three days in a row. He also slept through the night all three nights! And I mean slept. Through. The. Night. He usually went to sleep around ten and didn't wake up until six! One day he slept until seven. He got more sleep than me or Andrew!
I was afraid the day after Christmas might be the day P decided to get crazy and let the holiday catch up with him, but he was his usual happy little self. He slept a little more than he usually does, but he wasn't cranky! Today's he's been good too. He's needed a little more attention today, but that's easy to give!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl, Alice had a nice holiday with you guys and I did too. Oh and I need to get my photos developed soon! I know I got some cute shots of our little ones.