Saturday, November 18, 2006

Day 2 of Being Home Owners

Day 2 was long, but we got a lot done. We searched the house for hidden remnants of carpet and and found them in the hall closet and at the bottom of the attic stairs. Andrew ripped those suckers up.

With all the carpet removed, we were ready for the sander. While Jeremy and Andrew went to Home Depot to pick it up, Sarah and I hacked at the kitchen floor.

Then the sanding began. It lasted for many many hours, but we sanded all the floors of our 1489 square foot home!

Sarah and I even got to man the sander. Which was very fun, so I highly suggest you try if ever given the opportunity.

But mostly, Jeremy and Andrew sanded while Sarah and I tried our best to get all the sawdust up by sweeping the floors thousands upon thousands of times. [The next time we re-do the floors (har har) we'll definately invest in a shop-vac.] We did get a pretty good upper body work-out. Honestly though, we spent most of our time standing in dusty rooms talking, which I'm sure was great for our lungs.
And even though the boys worked hard, don't worry, they did get some rap time in:

We also found a spot on the wall that
easily exposed the many layers of
wallpaper on our livingroom wall. Which I thought was pretty cool. It's generations exposed (at least until we rip it all down).

Even though we were all completely exhaused by the end of our 12+ hour day, it was a lot of fun and we got a lot done, yet again! So we went home and collapsed in bed. From what Andrew says, it took me about two and half minutes to fall deeply asleep!


Stacey Greenberg said...

I'm bummed that I missed the Saturday drive by with Warren and the monkeys. I can't believe how much work y'all have already done!

I wonder what return favors Jeremy and Sarah will be calling in from Ohio...hmmm...

Candice & Andrew said...

I just hope those favors include at least a week's stay in their new house and a tour of Athens!