Friday, November 17, 2006

Let the fun begin!

We signed an hour's worth of papers and paid a small fortune, but we got a set of keys!!
We immediately began work this afternoon.
FIrst we pulled out the carpets: living room, one bedroom, and breakfast room. I'm still not sure why you would carpet a breakfast room, but by the looks of that carpet- someone did it a long long time ago.

I've also discovered a very solid reason for never ever carpeting anything:
Absolutely disgusting. This is all the dirt and nastyness that gets stuck in the carpet of a bedroom over the years. Who wants to breath this!?! Not us. So we ripped up the carpet and the padding and promptly placed it on the curb. Oddly enough though, someone actually stopped and picked up all the padding. So beware future carpet buyers: you might be unknowingly getting used padding. Yuk!

So now our living room looks like this:

Yay. Happy hard wood floors!
We then moved on to the kitchen floor.

This, we were not expecting, but if you look closely you can see the hard wood begging to be released from the layers of linoleum. We're working on it.

So it was a very productive day. Maybe we're crazy, but we're looking forward to tomorrow!
But first we're off to Neil's so Andrew can play a little music and I can relax at the bar with the girls!

Thanks to Joe, Corey, and Jeremy for all your hard work today. We couldn't have gotten so much done without you guys!

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